Imprint & Data protection

Information subject to § 5 TMG (German Telemedia Act)


Provider of web presence:
ErdgasUmstellung is a brand of RheinEnergie AG, Cologne, which RheinNetz GmbH uses under licence.

RheinNetz GmbH (RNG)
Parkgürtel 24
50823 Cologne

Represented by:
Julia Hoffman
Jan Patrick Linossier
Karsten Thielmann

Tel: 0800 4398 444
Fax: 0221 4746-8888

Register entry:
Entry in the commercial register
Register Court: Cologne Amtsgericht (District Court)
Register number: HRB 56302

Vat No subject to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz (VAT Act)
DE 814 567 481

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (Federal Grid Agency for Electricity, Telecommunications, Postal Services and Railways)
Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn
PO Box 80 01, 53105 Bonn

Responsible for content subject to § 55 (2) RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Treaty):
Editorial team:
Martin Borré, Martina Lanzrath

Content Company neo GmbH
Eupener Straße 60
50933 Cologne

Webmaster: Content Company neo GmbH

The internet page was created by:
Content Company neo GmbH
Eupener Straße 60
50933 Cologne

Source details for picture material used:

Picture “Background”: BDEW

Picture “Statutory framework”: DNY59/

Picture “Contact”: Liderina/

Picture “Press”: lovro77/

Picture “Applications and forms“: PeopleImages/

Picture “Flags”: Fourleaflover/

Other pictures: ErdgasUmstellung

Liability disclaimer

Despite careful checking of the content, we cannot accept any liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Liability for content
The content on our pages was created with the greatest care. Nevertheless, mistakes and ambiguities cannot be completely ruled out. We therefore give no warranty as to the current validity, correctness, completeness and quality of the information provided. Under § 8 to 10 TMG, we, as service providers, are not obliged to monitor third-party information that we communicate or store or to search for circumstances indicating some unlawful activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under general legislation are not affected by the foregoing. However, our liability in this respect may be created from the moment we become aware of a specific breach of the law. Should we become aware of such breaches of the law, we will promptly remove such content.

Liability for links
Our web provision contains links to external third-party web pages, over the content of which we have no influence. We can therefore give no warranty in respect of such third-party content. The particular supplier or operator of such linked pages is always responsible for their content. The linked pages were checked for any possible breaches of the law at the time they were linked. Unlawful content was not recognisable as such when the pages were linked. However, we cannot be reasonably expected to maintain permanent checks on the linked pages without specific indications of a breach of the law. Should we become aware of breaches of the law, we will promptly remove such links.


Content and creations produced on these pages by the page operators are subject to German copyright law. Reduplication, editing, dissemination and any type of use outside the bounds of copyright law require the written consent of each author or creator. Furthermore, pictures, graphics, text files or other files may be subject, either wholly or in part, to the copyright of third parties. All protected brands and trademarks named within the internet provision and where applicable those of third parties are subject without reservation to the provisions of the relevant trade mark legislation and to the rights of ownership of each registered title holder. The mere mention of trademarks or brands on our internet provision does not justify the conclusion that such trademarks and brands are not protected by the rights of third parties. If you become aware of a breach of copyright, please point this out to us. Should we become aware of breaches of the law, we will promptly remove such content.


Privacy Policy



Thank you for your interest in the data privacy policies relating to ErgasUmstellung. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. This homepage is operated in full compliance with the applicable legal provisions relating the protection of personal data and for data security. We are happy to provide you with information as to what data we collect in terms of your usage of our homepage and the function of this data, as well as for what purpose we process this data. Do you have a specific question about data protection? Then please feel free to get in touch with us:

Phone: (+49-800) 4398-444 (free of charge)
Fax: (+49-221) 4746-8888

My conversion

Step-by-step explanation: All the information on the background, procedures and statutory framework to your natural gas conversion.


Applications and forms

Have you bought a new natural gas appliance? This is where you can conveniently register your appliance replacement online.


Safety notes

Your safety is our highest priority. This is how to recognise our technicians - and protect yourself against confidence tricksters.



All contact information for consumers and press representatives and our free helpline number.

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