Step by step
Step 1: Information stage
We will give all households early notice by letter of the period in which we will be operating in your area and carrying out the house visits.
We will give you notice in good time of an appointment window for the appliance survey and later appliance adaptation. If you cannot keep to the suggested date, you can use the contact details on the covering letter to agree a new date.
Step 2: Survey stage
To ensure that all natural gas appliances are brought to the technical standard necessary for conversion to the new H gas, ErdgasUmstellung will inspect all the natural gas appliances in your region, including those in your household. This will require our technicians to record such data as appliance manufacturer, appliance type and CE mark. Once the natural gas appliances are recorded, the spare and replacement parts needed for the adaptation will be ordered from the manufacturers. These are generally the burner nozzles. You will not need to take any active part in this because ErdgasUmstellung will organise all the key steps for you.
IMPORTANT: If you replace one of your appliances or get a new appliance after your natural gas appliances have been surveyed, we urgently need you or the contract installation company to inform us of this. Please contact us about this on 0800 4398 444 (Mon – Fri, 07:00 to 20:00 hours and Sat, 08:00 to 16:00 hours) or
Step 3: Adaptation stage
Between 6 to 24 months after the survey visit, we will agree another date with you for the technical adaptation of your natural gas appliances. Before that, we will obtain the spare parts from the various manufacturers and settle any queries. As part of the adaptation, we will refit all the natural gas appliances inspected during the appliance survey so that they can use H gas. This is the only way that your natural gas appliances can burn H gas safely and efficiently. The adaptation generally involves exchanging some components, such as the burner nozzle for example. You won’t have to take care of anything. Our technicians will bring the right spare parts along and install them correctly.
Quality assurance
After each survey and adaptation, we conduct spot-checks of every tenth natural gas appliance to check whether all the survey and adaptation work has been conducted correctly. We will also give you notice by letter in good time of these visits. This means that every natural gas customer will be visited several times: for the appliance survey, the adaptation and possibly for quality assurance. The whole process from the initial information to any possible quality assurance inspection of the adaptation will take about two and a half years.
Timetable and area
In the period between 2018 and 2028, ErdgasUmstellung will inspect and technically adapt all natural gas appliances in the conversion districts and then conduct spot-checks of the conversion. This means that every household and every enterprise with one or more natural gas appliances will be visited several times. In order to ensure that ErdgasUmstellung’s procedures run smoothly, there is only one thing you will need to do: give the ErdgasUmstellung technicians access to your natural gas appliances.
When will we get to you?
Conversion to H gas in the RNG natural gas grid area will take place in several stages. It all depends when the conversion from the one natural gas quality to the other is carried out in the upstream grid areas. In this context, we have developed a timetable together with the transport grid operators which shows clearly when the different regions and communities will be converted (current status: 11/2024):